The Pioneer
in Business Process Outsourcing
NEXVAL has spent over 12 years listening to the marketplace and having deep one-on-one conversations with customers and prospective customers. Categorizing the dialogues and keeping current on legislation and regulatory entities has laid the groundwork for exceptional services. NEXVAL has always believed if we stick closely enough to what we know, we can provide products and services that are second to none. Our customers will tell you that one of NEXVAL's strongest qualities is its communication with the customer. NEXVAL has become more than a vendor; we are a trusted partner.
NEXVAL values its employees by offering continuous training, promotional opportunities and competitive pay and benefits. We believe in mentoring our employees and grooming them to lead strong teams.We are only as good as the employees we have on staff. The investment we make in our personnel is what separates NEXVAL from all of its competitors. Employee tenure and project longevity have allowed us to grow with our customers and thoroughly understand their requirements and timelines.

Our SME team has experts with almost two decades of experience in the U.S. Mortgage Banking domain.
Innovative products and services
Assisted Top 5 Mortgage servicers and streamlined their operational and compliance risks

Nexval's SaaS model ensures a quick turnaround time with high quality deliverables over the process lifecycle.

Our highly experienced technical consultants ensure that you will always receive the best service within a short TAT.

We ensure complete transparency and control of projects through our web-based Project Management Tool.
Our Brand Story
Nexval, Inc began its long journey in Miami, FL on August 20, 2004. Through the years, its name has changed to better reflect what Nexval offers its customers – the “Next Level of Value.”
As technology morphed, so did Nexval. Its laser-focused mortgage domain knowledge allowed the company to offer its clients a hybrid of services, some work being done onshore in its US offices, or offshore enabling customers to capture more of the market share by utilizing trained mortgage expertise in India. It wasn’t long before Nexval Infotech had grown to over 800 employees in two locations. This early jump to a hybrid model is what catapulted the two owners, Souren and Soumen Sarkar, into BPO Pioneers. The brothers who shared a combined 40 years of experience soon began plotting their path to expansion of services. Nexval rapidly became the first organization with experienced mortgage bankers providing relevant technological solutions for the mortgage industry.
Offerings to the mortgage space gradually spread to the financial services space, making Nexval one of the earliest BPO leaders in the use of cloud-based services. The industry demanded the highest level of data security, a requirement to protect sensitive and private information. A large piece of the charted path over the next 10 years was focused on providing solutions that protected industry-secure data.
Nexval and Nexval Infotech had become one of the most capable service providers in the mortgage domain and had now branched out to include FinTech. The next few years were spent building technical infrastructure to support a multitude of applications used in financial services. As customer demand began focusing on more comprehensive needs, Nexval began investing its time and money on products to make its customers’ lives easier. The time spent on these endeavors forged close relationships with Nexval customers. They had become partners in vision.
After years of intently listening to current and potential customers, Nexval became aware of additional industry pain points created through legislation. As compliance entities began closely monitoring how mortgages and loans were handled, Nexval kept ahead of the curve and developed auditing software designed directly to address the demands coming out of lending industry legislation.
With the changing digital landscape, Nexval became a part of the digital revolution by gradually expanding its services and offering automation and digitalization solutions to mortgage lenders and servicers. The BPO leaders transitioned to Mortgage Tech Gurus as they had an eye towards the future. They understood that automation will become an integral part of the workflow in the mortgage industry.
Nexval combined human experience with machine intelligence to offer automation solutions in mortgage origination, mortgage servicing and title services. Driven by the rise of disruptive technologies, like Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, and Optical Character Recognition, Nexval blended its mortgage expertise with modern tools and designed top-notch mortgage process automation services that open new ways for mortgage businesses to achieve peak efficiency.
It was because of Nexval team’s continuous effort, determination and its clients’ trust on their services that they soon became a boutique technology company specializing in mortgage automation processes and IT infrastructure solutions.
Today, Nexval’s core software products include: Veritiq, NexAEI and DocuChief. Each product line offers a wide variety of modules, all designed to meet today’s demands for software that automates and simplifies processes across all task-intense activities.
Souren and Soumen knew how important it was to have a happy and rewarded workforce. Retention of resources was something they had to pay close attention to. Training and retraining became the glue that made Nexval’s relationships stick. It also made Nexval one of the most recognized places to work in Asia. The work culture and the environment at Nexval allowed employees to flourish and Nexval to achieve many accolades such as being awarded the 'Great Place to Work™' certification from Great Place to Work™ Institute; the "Top 100 Companies with Great People Managers" from Great Manager Institute for three years in a row - 2020, 2021 and 2022; and Forbes "India's First Indian Digital Enabler Awards (I.D.E.A.) award in 2020. These recognitions serve as a testimony to Nexval’s dedication to its workforce. The Sarkar brothers knew something others had not yet figured out….their employees would become like members of their customers’ staff if they identified the conduit to make it happen. Retention was that conduit.
Last but not least, are the lessons learned by all pioneers. To be a pioneer is expensive. Pioneers take the risks to test the waters. This is what brought the customers to Nexval. Promising to deliver on time and within budget is what keeps them coming year after year.




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